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Allen-Bradley高速传感器单轮调整包括在内。设置传感器的光学灵敏度。提供两个LED指示器。指示电源和输出状态传感器。作为一种替代18mm圆柱形封装,罗克韦尔自动化/Allen Bradley也提供的rightsight光电传感器。那个产品是直角设计的。节省许多空间
Bulletin 42CB are high speed 18mm cylindrical sensors available in several sensing modes, with various detection ranges. The Fixed Focus Diffuse uses a visible red LED, all the other sensing modes use an infrared LED. These sensors are available with 10–30V DC, either PNP or NPN output and selectable light/dark operate mode on each sensor.
The sensitivity adjustment potentiometer and two LED indicators are mounted in the rear. The LED’s show the output is energized (yellow) and power is on (green).
Fast response time and the high switching frequency of all the Bulletin CB sensors (1kHz) allows for accurate detection of objects moving at high speed. The right angle orientation of this bulletin reduces the overall dimension of the sensor, and reduces the chance of accidental tearing.
Allen-Bradley高速传感器42CB-P2LPA-M4Features (continued) :
Short circuit protection
Reverse polarity protection
Single turn sensitivity adjustment potentiometer
Output energized (yellow) and power on (green) LED indicators
Selectable light or dark operation (L.O./D.O.)
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