搜矿价格 ¥10.00元/个
最小起订量:1 个 可售数量:10000 个
所在地区:福建 泉州市 查看地图
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Bray's Series 3A/3AH resilient seated butterfly valve is a Double Flanged design which can be used for dead-end service. A major design advantage of Bray valve product lines is international compatibility. The same valve is compatible with most world flange standards – ASME Class 125/150, BS 10 Tables D and E, BS 4504 NP 10/16, DIN ND 10/16, AS 2129 and JIS10. In addition, the valves are designed to comply with ISO 5752-Table 2 (EN558 Table 13) face-to-face and ISO 5211 actuator mounting flanges. Therefore, one valve design can be used in many different world markets.
[A] STEM: Precision double "D" disc to stem connection drives the disc without the need of screws or pins.
[B] SEAT: Bray's bonded seat design lowers torque and provides complete isolation of flowing media from the body. The seat also features a molded O-ring which eliminates the use of flange gaskets.
[C] STEM RETAINING ASSEMBLY: The stem is retained in the body by means of a unique Stainless Steel Spirolox® retaining ring, a thrust washer and two C-rings, manufactured from brass as standard, stainless steel upon request. The retaining ring may be easily removed with a standard hand tool. The stem retaining assembly prevents unintentional removal of the stem during field service.
[D] STEM BUSHING: Non-corrosive, heavy duty acetal bushing absorbs actuator side thrusts.
手动法兰蝶阀广泛适用于各种不同类型工业管道中液体和气体(包括蒸 气)的输送,特别是具有严重腐蚀性介质的使用场合,如:硫酸、氢氟酸、磷酸、氯气、强碱、王水等具有强腐蚀性的介质。
衬氟蝶阀在管路中除了起切断和截流用外,近年来已经把密封性能作为评价的主要指标,受到市场的青睐.另外,蝶阀还有体积小、重量轻、结构简单的优点,与同参数 闸阀比较,平均减轻重量达30-50%,蝶板旋转90°即可实现启、闭过程,又由于转轴两侧蝶板受介质作用力近似相等,转矩相反,因此启闭力矩较小.
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