搜矿价格 面议
最小起订量:0 只 可售数量:500 只
所在地区:上海 金山区 查看地图
主营业务:CMP防爆格兰,Hawke防爆格兰, CCG防爆格兰,Peppers防爆格兰,Eaton/Cooper防爆格兰,REIKU尼龙软管,Anamet金属软管等
已 缴 纳:0.00 元保证金
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Peppers Product Type AR - (metallic Adaptors and Reducers)
Ex d : Ex e : Ex nR : Ex tb : IP66 : IP68
Class I Div 1 : AEx d : AEx e : AEx tb
Materials: Brass, Stainless Steel or Aluminium
“AR” Series Certified Adaptors & Reducers provide a method of matching electrical thread forms on Ex equipment whilst maintaining Ex d, Ex e, Ex tb and Ex
nR methods of explosion protection. Approved for use in mining (except Aluminium) and surface installations, they maintain IP66 & IP68 for IEC type
applications and Class I Division 1 and NEMA 4X for CEC / NEC type applications. All external metric threads are fitted with a nitrile O-ring as standard.
Peppers Product Type ARMM & ARFF - (metallic Adaptors)
Ex d : Ex e : Ex nR : Ex ta : IP66 : IP68
Class I Div 1 : AEx e : AEx ta
Example Part Numbering ARMM1BF/NP/M20/M25
“ARMM & ARFF” Series Certified Adaptors provide a method of matching electrical thread forms on Ex equipment whilst maintaining Ex d, Ex e, Ex tb and
Ex nR methods of explosion protection. Approved for use in mining (except Aluminium) and surface installations, they maintain IP66 & IP68 for IEC
type applications and Class I Division 1 and NEMA 4X for CEC type applications. All external metric threads are fitted with a nitrile O-ring as standard.
Peppers Product Type SPMH & SPHH - (metallic Dome Head & Hex Head Stopping Plug)
Ex d : Ex e : Ex nR : Ex tb : IP66 :IP68 Class I Div 1 : AEx e : AEx ta
Example Part Numbering SPMH1BF/NP/M20
"SPMH & SPHH" Series Certified metallic Stopping (Blanking) Plugs provide a method of sealing unused entries in Ex equipment. They
maintain Ex d, Ex e, Ex tb and Ex nR methods of protection and IP66, IP68 for IEC type applications. They are Class I Division 1, Class II
Division 1, Class II and Class 1 Zone 1 approved for for NEC and CEC type applications whilst also maintaining Type 4X rating.
Peppers Product Type SPA & SPB - (metallic Stopping Plugs)
Ex d : Ex e : Ex tb : IP66
Class I Div 1 : AEx e : AEx tb
Example Part Numbering:SPA0BD/NP/M20
"SP" Series Certified metallic Stopping (Blanking) Plugs provide a method of sealing unused entries in Ex equipment. They maintain Ex d,
Ex e and Ex tb methods of protection and IP66 for IEC type applications. They are Class I Division 1, Class II Division 1, Class II and Class 1
Zone 1 approved for for NEC and CEC type applications whilst also maintain Type 4X rating.
Peppers Product Type ACDP - (metallic Breather Drain)
Ex e : Ex ta IP66 : AEx e : AEx ta
Example Part Numbering:ACDP1BE/NP/M20/10 (See below for details)
“ACDP” Series Breather Drains allow the inside of the equipment to breathe with the outside atmosphere and provide a method of
effectively draining any moisture from within the equipment. ACDP series Breather Drains maintain Ex e method of protection and IP66
for IEC type applications. A Castellated Locknut and O-ring is supplied with every Breather Drain.
Peppers Product Type ARMR & ARFR - (metallic 90 Degree / Right Angle Adaptors)
Ex d : Ex e : Ex nR : Ex ta : IP66 : IP68 Class I Div 1 : AEx d : AEx e : AEx t
Example Part Numbering:ARMR1BF/NP/M20/M20(See below for details)
“ARMR” & “ARFR” Series Dual Certified Right Angled Adaptors are designed to protect cables when installed in confined spaces where the cable may otherwise
be subject to excessive bending and / or stress. The series is available with Male/Female or Female/Female connection threads. They are approved for Ex d,
Ex e, Ex ta and Ex nR methods of explosion protection whilst maintaining IP66, IP68 for IEC type applications and Class I Division 1, and NEMA 4X for NEC/CEC
type applications. All external parallel threads are fitted with a nitrile O-ring as standard.
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